Visual Arts South West

Showcasing Arts & Culture

The beginning of 2020 saw Intercity complete work on the Visual Arts South West (VASW) website. Featuring enhanced usability, the new site offers artists and arts organisations a comprehensible platform to engage, promote and talk about visual arts across the South West and beyond. The website was built on the Craft CMS platform and allows both individuals and organisations to easily create profiles, list events and post opportunities. Once uploaded, any user generated content then goes though a simple moderation process, helping to streamline the workflow for the VASW team.

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As part of the project, we also refreshed the VASW identity, creating a new acronym version of the logo which can be rotated depending on use. In addition to this, we extended the use of the V and A from the logo to create a set of brand arrows and animated icons.

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Intercity Bristol Pay 1

Bristol Pay

Branding a Digital Payment Platform

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Tate Modern

This Is Where We Are

Intercity Website Eric Haacht 1 2

Eric Haacht

Identity for a Contemporary Artist

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Visualising Customer Insights