
Magazine Redesign

Over the summer of 2017, Intercity were invited to redesign the iconic advertising and media publication, Campaign. Working to a tight deadline, our concept was to create a contemporary interpretation of the magazine's original design philosophy, as well as taking visual cues from the best advertising design and art direction of the same era.

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Inspired by the design heritage of the original publication, we aimed to create a pared-back design approach, with big headlines and bold images - to give the magazine a fresh and contemporary look, while keeping it rooted in heritage. Reviving Campaign 's iconic stylised monochrome photography, alongside black and white typography, and contrasting it with bright and bold illustration was also a key element to the magazine's new visual language.

Intercity created a full set of editorial templates as part of the redesign, as well as a design guidelines document for future reference.

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Laurence King


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The Journal

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Free Run iD

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The Academy

Inspired by Intelligent Thinking