Insight Films

Identity for a Creative Film Studio

Identity for creative film studio, Insight Films. Specialising in high end feature documentaries, Insight Films combine rigorous journalism with creative storytelling. Building on the company's history, our typographic identity references film reel technology, with a graphic horizon device being utilised as a key visual element.

Intercity Website Insight 14 Intercity Website Insight 2
Intercity Website Insight 6 Intercity Website Insight 7


Intercity Speedwell 1

Still Moving


Intercity Artists Make Faces 12

Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery

Artists Make Faces

Intercity The Academy 1 original 61bc1eec11603cf44acdedc953708141

The Academy

Inspired by Intelligent Thinking

Intercity Website TFB 01

The Food Buyer

A Food & Drink-Inspired Identity