
Colours of Film

Written by film critic Charles Bramesco, Colours of Film introduces 50 iconic movies and explains the pivotal role that colour played in their success. An essential element of cinema that is often overlooked, colour has the power to evoke powerful emotions, provide subtle psychological symbolism and act as a narrative device. Designed by Intercity, the book combines graphic colour palettes with stills from the movies, appealing to both cinema-goers and colour lovers alike.

Colours of Film is available to purchase via Counter-Print

Intercity Website Colours of Film 1
Intercity Website Colours of Film 6 Intercity Website Colours of Film 3 Intercity Website Colours of Film 5 Intercity Website Colours of Film 9 Intercity Website Colours of Film 10 Intercity Website Colours of Film 4 Intercity Website Colours of Film 7 Intercity Website Colours of Film 8 Intercity Website Colours of Film 11 Intercity Website Colours of Film 12


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